How to build a reliable producer / consumer with Kafka
How to build a reliable producer / consumer with Kafka
ProducerConfig Object has to be instantiated with the proper settings to build a reliable producer.
var _producerConfig = new ProducerConfig
BootstrapServers = bootstrapServer, // initiates list of brokers
EnableDeliveryReports = true, //enabled notifications to delivery reports
ClientId = Dns.GetHostName(), // client identifier
// retry settings:
Acks = Acks.All, // Receive acknowledgement from all sync replicas
MessageSendMaxRetries = 3, // Number of times to retry before giving up
RetryBackoffMs = 1000, // Duration to retry before next attempt
// Set to true if you don't want to reorder messages on retry
EnableIdempotence = true
ConsumerConfig Object has to be instantiated with the proper settings to build a reliable consumer.
var _consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig
BootstrapServers = bootstrapServer,// initiates list of brokers
EnableAutoCommit = false, // No Automatically and periodically commit offsets in the background.
EnableAutoOffsetStore = false,//No Automatically store offset of last message provided to application
MaxPollIntervalMs = 300000,//Maximum allowed time between calls to consume messages
GroupId = "default",
// Read messages from start if no commit exists.
AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest
, multiple selections available,