Autocomplete or word completion is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing. In graphical user interfaces, users can typically press the tab key to accept a suggestion or the down arrow key to accept one of several. Autocomplete is involved in many search features on various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google search, etc.
Step 1 - Understand the problem and establish the scope
Matching at the beginning or the middle ?
How many suggestion should be returned ?
How system knows which 5 suggestions to return ?
Popularity, decided by historical query frequency
System supports spell check ?
Search queries in English ? Multi-language ?
Yes, for now.
Allow capitalization and special characters ?
How many users ?
10 million DAU (daily active user).
Fast response time : within 100 ms. So, low latency.
Relevant to the search term whatever prefix user has entered.
Sorted : By popularity or other ranking models.
Scalable : High traffic volume.
Highly available : remain available and accessible when system is offline, slows down or experiences network errors.
Back-of-the-envelope calculations
Traffic estimations
Assume 10 million DAU
Average person performs 10 searches per day.
20 bytes of data per query string : assume 4 words and each word contains 5 characters on average.
4 words * 5 characters = 20 bytes per query.
For 1 character entered in search box, a request is sent to the backend : average 20 requests are sent for 1 search query.
10 million * 10 queries / day * 20 characters / 24 hours / 2600 sec = approx. 24 000 query per sec (QPS).
Peak QPS = QPS * 2 = approx. 48 000 QPS.
Storage estimations
Assume 20% of daily queries are new. 10 million * 10 queries per day * 20 bytes per query * 20% = 0.4 GB → new data added to storage daily.
0.4 GB *365 = 146 GB per year.
Step 2 - High-level design
According to our requirements, our autocomplete must be real-time. i.e. new search queries must be added to our database. Hence not only we have to design a system to give suggestions, but we also have to incorporate popular search queries to our database such that users can also get suggestions based on recent as well as popular searches.
Hence our autocomplete consists of two parts:
Giving Suggestions or Query Service
Adding new trending queries to the database or Data Gathering service
Data gathering service
It gathers user input queries and aggregates them in real-time. We have a table that stores the query string and its frequency.