References & Glossary for design YouTube

References & Glossary for design YouTube

Pre-signed URL

We host some files on an S3 bucket and we need to expose these to a user but we don’t want to set up the bucket as open (public), also we want to keep some control over the access to these files, for example by limiting the time-frame where the files can be accessed by the user. We can expose our files present in the S3 bucket to the outside world without making the bucket public but by sharing the resource using Pre-signed URLs for the specific time period. Here is how a Pre-signed URL looks like.

https://bucket.s3.region.amazonaws.com/myfile.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=random-aws-credential-to-identify-the-signer&X-Amz-Date=timestamp-of-generation-of-url&X-Amz-Expires=validity-from-generation-timestamp&X-Amz-Signature=6ffca338-f5b2-48ad-89ec-4ae462cb46dc&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host //Formatted https://bucket.s3.region.amazonaws.com/myfile.jpg ? X-Amz-Algorithm = AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 & X-Amz-Credential = random-aws-credential-to-identify-the-signature & X-Amz-Date = timestamp-of-generation-of-url & X-Amz-Expires = validity-from-generation-timestamp & X-Amz-Signature = 6ffca338f5b248ad89ec4ae462cb46dc & X-Amz-SignedHeaders = host

Pre-signed in .NET : amazon-s3-developer-guide/doc_source/UploadObjectPreSignedURLDotNetSDK.md at master · awsdocs/amazon-s3-developer-guide