Each Web server could contain an ID Generator & the Web Server is responsible for generating IDs independently.

Pros & Cons for step 1
Pros : generating is simple (no coordination between servers and so, no synchronization issues); easy to scale in each web servers; uniqueness;
Cons : IDs are 128 bits long & we need 64 bits; IDs do not go up with time; IDs could be non-numeric.
Ticket Server will generate distributed primary keys. The idea is to use a centralized auto_increment features in a single DB server (Ticket Server).

Pros & Cons for step 1
Pros: Numeric IDs. Easy to implement and works for small to medium scale apps.
Cons: single point of failure, but we can scale, but will introduce more challenges.
MySQL CLUSTER - Multi-Master Replication
Uses the databases' auto_increment feature. Instead of increasing the next ID by 1, we increase it by K where K is the number of DB servers in use.
Next ID = the previous ID + 2.

Pros & Cons for step 1
Twitter snowflake is a dedicated service for generating 64-bit unique identifiers used in distributed computing for objects within Twitter such as Tweets, Direct Messages, Lists, etc. These IDs are unique 64-bit unsigned integers, which are based on time.
The full IDs are made up of the following components :

Epoch timestamp in a millisecond — 41 bits (gives us 69 years for any custom epoch)
Configured machine/node/shard Id — 10 bits (gives us up to total of 2 i.e 1024 Ids)
Sequence number — 12 bits (A local counter per machine that sets to zero after every 4096 values)
In the beginning, the extra one reserved bit is set as 0 to make the overall number positive.
Pros & Cons for step 1
MongoDB uses ObjectIds as the default value of the _id
field of each document, which is generated while creating any document. More Detail
ObjectID is a 96-bit number that is composed as follows:
a 4-byte timestamp value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch (which will not run out of seconds until the year 2106)
a 5-byte random value, and
a 3-byte incrementing counter, starting with a random value.
UID generator is developed by the Baidu technology department and implemented based on the snowflake algorithm. Unlike the original snowflake algorithm, It works as a component and allows users to override workID bits and initialization strategy. Suitable for virtualization environments such as DOCKER.

A unique ID (long) of 64 bits can be generated.
Current time, relative to the incremental value of time base point “2016-05-20”, unit: second, can support up to 8.7 years
Worker ID (22 bits) machine ID, which can support up to 420W machine starts. The built-in implementation is allocated by the database at startup. The default allocation policy is to discard after use, and reuse policy can be provided later.
Sequence (13 bits) is a concurrent sequence per second. 13 bits can support 8192 concurrent sequences per second.
Sonyflake is a distributed unique ID generator inspired by Twitter’s Snowflake. Sonyflake focuses on lifetime and performance in many host/core environments. So it has a different bit assignment from Snowflake.
A Sonyflake ID is composed of
As a result, Sonyflake has the following advantages and disadvantages:
The lifetime (174 years) is longer than that of Snowflake (69 years)
It can work in more distributed machines (²¹⁶) than Snowflake (²¹⁰)
It can generate ²⁸ IDs per 10 msec at most in a single machine/thread (slower than Snowflake)
Step 3 - Design deep dive
Alex Xu chooses the Twitter Snowflake approach because of the requirements established above.

41 bits make up the timestamp section : Timestamp grows with time and is sortable by time. See page References & Glossary.

Sequence Number