What’s the medallion architecture ?
It’s a recommended data design pattern used to organize data in a LakeHouse logically.What are the 3 layers of the medallion architecture ?
The 3 layers are bronze (raw), silver (validated) and gold (enriched), each representing higher data quality levels.What’s the purpose of the bronze layer ?
The bronze layer is the landing zone for all data where no changes have been made to it.What activities are typical done in the silver layer ?
Activities in the silver layer include combining and merging data, enforcing data validation rules and cleaning the data.What’s the purpose of the gold layer ?
The gold layer refines the data further to align with specific business and analytics needs, making it ready for use by downstream teams.What’s Direct Lake mode in Power BI datasets ?
IT,s an approach that combines the performance of a semantic model with the freshness of LakeHouse data.
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