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Enable the integration between Power Platform and SAP to announce changes in SAP to Power Platform asynchronously and so not in realtime, without coupling the both systems. A good design will take in consideration the existing design related to SAP (see image below).


Context and Problem

  1. Current architecture implying a front door (micro-service) is mandatory. Direct access to SAP is not allowed.

  2. No current integration between Power Platform and SAP. Power Platform is a SAAS in the public Internet even if it’s in the backbone of Microsoft.

  3. For now, there is only a one-way communication, from SAP to Power Platform. Data transfered from SAP is not considered as confidential.

  4. Data volume is not substantial : about 2 thousand records could be affected in Power Platform. Not a case of intensive computing and long-running functions.

  5. Hybrid scenario is highly recommended regarding the current architecture related to SAP and the willing to upgrade the latter to Hana.



Technology choices

Information below is established according the context (data volume, etc.). We know that Azure provides a multitude of services (as IAAS & ad PAAS).


The 1st step could be considered as a temporary solution including the existing File Server used by the API Manage deployed in a Server in Azure (IAAS) and the latter already connected to SAP.


  1. The API Manager will extract the data from SAP and generate files (for example, CSV files).

  2. The API Manager pushes the CSV files into the server file to a specific location.

  3. Several options are considered :

    1. Option 1 - In a server on-premise, a service as an executable is deployed and the trigger is scheduled. The service will extract the CSV files one by one. It will build a dataset from the latter.

    2. Option 2 - Azure Data Factory, based on a schedule, will extract the CSV files one by one. It will build a dataset from the latter as well.

    3. Option 3 - Azure Function, based on a schedule, will extract the CSV files one by one. It will build a dataset from the latter.

    4. Option 4 - Azure Worker Role, when published in Azure Container Registry, will start running as a background service and will extract the CSV files one by one. It will build a dataset from the latter.

  4. All services will be able to use the Power Platform SDK (Software Development Kit) to push the data into the Power Platform Database and log the execution process (failure and success).


Chosen Solution

Regarding the fact that the Azure ecosystem is not ready, the privileged solution would be the service deployed in an on-premise server.