Networking options - Azure Functions networking options | Microsoft Learn
Inbound IP restrictions : use access restrictions to define a priority-ordered list of IP addresses that are allowed or denied access to your app. The list can include IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, or specific virtual network subnets using service endpoints. When there are one or more entries, an implicit "deny all" exists at the end of the list. IP restrictions work with all function-hosting options (Premium, Consumption & App Service).
Inbound Private Endpoints : Azure Private Endpoint is a network interface that connects you privately and securely to a service powered by Azure Private Link. Private Endpoint uses a private IP address from your virtual network, effectively bringing the service into your virtual network. Work only for Premium & App Service Hosting options.
Virtual network integration : Virtual network integration allows your function app to access resources inside a virtual network. Azure Functions supports two kinds of virtual network integration
The dedicated compute pricing tiers
The App Service Environment, which deploys directly into your virtual network
Virtual network triggers (non-HTTP) : We can use non-HTTP trigger functions from within a virtual network (in Premium & App service Plans) - connect non-HTTP trigger functions to services that run inside a virtual network.
Hybrid connections (windows only - on-premises) : feature of Azure Relay that you can use to access application resources in other networks. It provides access from your app to an application endpoint. Is available to functions that run on Windows in all but the Consumption plan.
Outbound IP restrictions : Outbound IP restrictions are available in a Premium plan, App Service plan, or App Service Environment. When you integrate a function app in a Premium plan or an App Service plan with a virtual network, the app can still make outbound calls to the internet by default. By integrating your function app with a virtual network with Route All enabled, you force all outbound traffic to be sent into your virtual network, where network security group rules can be used to restrict traffic (See NAT Gateway - Control Azure Functions outbound IP with an Azure virtual network NAT gateway | Microsoft Learn).
Identity management
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